Monday, 6 October 2008

Good enough to eat!

After a busy day, nothing beats a nice comfy bed and good nights rest.  Even for a little ginger bread girl...

So here is my new goal: instead of doing 5-10 posts at once, I'm going to start trying to do a post as it happens. Which will hopefully mean an update almost everyday. So check back often, or better yet, Brad says "subscribe to our RSS feed." That way you'll always have the latest and the greatest from the Wilson's.


The Smiths said...

What a gorgeous 'Dummy Girl'!!

... as it happens?! What you don't like my method of six months after the event?!!! Sure makes last year feel just like yesterday though doesn't it!

Keep up the good work Kimmie, your blog is what we Smithies aspire to! We love it!

Anonymous said...


Brandon said...

Felicia's a big fan of the Google reader - "better than RSS feeds" she claims . . .