Sunday 12 October 2008

Discovering dolls...

Aw yes, the joy of every little girls childhood: dolls!  Amelia has just discovered the joy of carrying a baby around with her thanks to Brad.  He is always encouraging her to go and find her baby.  It's very cute she just carries them around the house and then I find them in obscure places stuffed into corners or drawers.  Occasionally she will actually put them into her toy stroller and push them around.

Here you go baby, you can have a dummy just like me!

What's that you say?

Oh yes, of course I can fix your hair for you.

It's time to fly.  Don't worry, my mom does this to me all the time, you're gonna love it!

Just a little higher...

What?  Oh no way, I'm not going to body slam her.

Just bend her legs into her back.

Look baby, this froot loop is the same size as your nose,

And I can crunch it with my teeth!

Yeah, don't mess with me, I keep all my dolls in line!

1 comment:

Lisa Michelle said...

Kim & Brad! It's been too long since I checked up on you guys here! Amelia is sooo big!! When did that happen?? She is darling. :) Love the doll pics. AND the flashback pics of the two of you, as well - those are awesome! Hope all is well down there!
Lisa (& Bryce)