Tuesday 7 October 2008

My poor baby!

The last week Amelia has been a little sick with a fever right around 101.5.  It's no fun having a sick baby.  On Sunday Brad went with a family up to Forster (a 2-3 hour drive up the coast) to see the Emma Smith movie with loads of Joseph Smith's descendants, more on that later.  But Amelia and I stayed home to beat the fever blues.  That night she woke up at 3AM and just wanted to party.  Brad went in and got her and she was so excited to see him (since she hadn't seen him all day) that she just wanted to play with him.  It was so cute.  Annoying that it was 3AM, but brad and I both couldn't help but indulge her.  So after that, she ended up sleeping until 9:30 the following morning, which is SOOOOO completely unusual!!  When she finally woke up, this is what we found: 

A bloody nose!!  Well, it was all dried, but still a scary sight!  Not what you expect to find when you go to get your little one.  Poor thing.  Not fun.  She has been very congested and I am sure her nose is a little dry, I'd always get a bloody nose at night because my nose was dry.  Let's hope everything goes back to normal soon

So like I said, Brad went to go and see the Emma Smith movie with a family from the ward up in Forster.  Forster is where 1/4 of Joseph Smith's descendants have settled and were sponsoring showing the film here.  I don't think any of them are members of the church but still wanted to show the film about their grandmother/great-grandmother.

1 comment:

Amanda Udy said...

Awww... poor little munchkin! I hope she's feeling better soon.