Sunday, 16 November 2008

Look what we found!!

A FROG!! Yes that's right, a frog!!  In our very own backyard just last night.  
And I've got to say I was reminded of one of the reasons why I fell in love with Brad.  He turns into a 5 year old child any time he sees little creatures!  I'm not kidding, he even prayed for the frog last night in our family prayers, "Thank you for the little frog and for all your beautiful creations." (for Amelia's sake because she couldn't stop talking about it)  How cute is that?!  A grown man praying for a frog!  Oh Brad, you crack me up!

In all of his excitement he couldn't wait to run next door and show off his new treasure.  

"Look Isobel, this is what we call a Froggie."

"And if you touch his back legs like this, it jumps!"

Even Sharon found herself fascinated by the little creature.

Isobel: "Mommy, Brad says if I'm really good I can take him in the bath with me."

Joseph: "Oh good then I can eat him!"
Amelia:  "Daddy, can I say 'hi' to the Froggie?"

"No, I'll just keep him for my pet."

"If I just act like I don't care, I can eat him when she's not looking."

"Don't worry Froggie, I'll never let anything happen to you."

"That's what she thinks!"


Needless to say, the kids loved it!  


Kendal and Alissa said...'s funny how you can say that about almost anything if it is small. That reminds me so much of Brad searching for frogs or other such things in your parents backyard:)

Liz said...

How fun! Oh, the simple things! What a good Daddy Brad is and a good Mommy you are!