Sunday 9 November 2008


Amelia LOVES animals.  That is to say that she loves looking at them but whenever they approach her she turns and screams in terror.  She can pick a dog out from a mile away but WILL NOT try and pet it.  Until today...everything changed!!  The sunbeam teacher brought her baby bunnies to church for the kids to see and Amelia could not get enough of them.  She walked right up the them and pet them, yes, pet them!!  Brad even got her to hold one!!  My jaw just dropped.  It was a major turning point.  

Loving the bunny.

Snuggling the bunny

Realizing he's alright!!

1 comment:

Ben McMurry said...

Let me just say . . . I love your blog. You guys are just a cool family! Keep posting pics of that cute little daughter of yours!