Friday, 7 November 2008

A life lived in fear...

A life lived in fear is a life half lived.  Brad and I are trying to live with less fear.  We want to live our lives the way the scriptures and prophets tell us we should, "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear."  Why shouldn't we live with fear?  Because life is too precious.  If we let fear cripple us we'll miss these moments.  

Why do we blog?  We blog because we love life.  Because we love Amelia and want to share every second of her life with you.  We blog because today we went swimming and Amelia jumped in the water with no fear, and we love to share that type of information with you.  We blog because this morning Amelia looked me square in the eye and defiantly said, "NO!  Naughty!"  We blog because we can publicly share our love for our Saviour Jesus Christ and invite people to come to our church, (wanna come?!)  We blog because we love this life and we love our God.  That's why.

We choose to follow Amelia and live with no fear.


Anonymous said...

All I can say is AMEN to that post!

Oh, and I guess I could also say that Amelia is absolutely adorable.

And I could probably add that I think you are awesome.

And I love that you blog a lot.

The end.

Amanda Udy said...

She looks so happy in the water!

Kendal and Alissa said...

Wow....Are you bitter we're going private?

Brad & Kim said...

No, not bitter at all. Don't take it personal. We feel that's for us it's important to stay open to the world. Thats all.

Georges said...

Great post! What great examples you all are for us..thanks!! Amelia is a doll!!