Sunday 7 September 2008

Strange sleeping habits...

So we have discovered that Amelia has some molars coming through which has thrown her whole sleeping patterns up in the air.  There have been many nights that Brad was just so tired of hearing her cry at night that he would bring her into bed with us which pretty much means that she sleeps beautifully but Brad and I get no sleep whatsoever because she's too busy doing acrobats in her sleep!  I'm not kidding.  The only way that she seems to sleep is the same way she is during the day: go, go, go!  It's exhausting!  I only wish I had the camera handy in the middle of the night because I just laughed right out loud when I woke up and saw her feet propped up on Brad's nose and both of them just snoring away!  Or another time I woke and her entire body was over Brad's head.  Most nights when she is in bed with us she's all over my head.  And just the other night she was busy doing her tossing and turning and then just sat right up and I could feel her looking at me and then all of the sudden she gives me a kiss right on the lips.  And I mean like a very real kiss.  It was so funny!  I started laughing and she just did it over and over and over again.  SO FUNNY!!! 

So we have gone back to square one and have been doing the "control crying" thing again, (it's much easier the second time around).  Here are a few photos of how we found her one night.  This is just after Brad and I went in a laid her in bed gave her a kiss goodnight and turned and left the room.  Just as we were starting to head down the stairs we hear a huge THUD and went running back into her room to find her on her back on the floor.  She was crying so bad and probably in a bit of shock.  There she was in her nice comfy bed when all of the sudden she's on the floor the lights blast on and her parents are running to her side.  I couldn't help but laugh.  It was just too funny to me.  Even though she was crying, I knew she was fine and I just couldn't control it.  We have never pulled the drop side up on her crib because we've never needed to, but now...we always think twice about it.  

Anyway, here's the photos.  She's just so funny!  How can she sleep like that?!

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