Saturday 9 May 2009

The Apple of my Eye

OK, so I know this is really disgusting, but I just had to document it. If you're not into bodily functions, or malfunctions in this case, you can just skip this post. But I developed a STYE in my eye for the very first time in my life. I have never EVER had anything even remotely close to this before. I was reading online and apparently they are cause by stress and malnutrition. I suppose I fit into both those catagories lately with this move and all. Crazy, crazy, crazy!! It took about two and a half weeks to go away, and then yesterday I noticed one starting on my top eyelid on the very same eye! How annoying huh?!


Amanda Udy said...

Yea, that's no fun!

Ann-Michelle said...

Use Naphcon eye drops on it. It should help get rid of it pretty quickly.