Sunday, 11 July 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

So, my sister-in-law put me onto this blog called Make it and Love it and I check it almost everyday. One day she had this tutorial on how to make your own flag shirts for the 4th. Since that is my favorite holiday, I figured I'd make some flag shirts for my kids. And here they are:

Amelia doing her grumpy face. Hers has the ruffled stripes and buttons for the stars.

Joels is just an applique. Well, I ironed on to heat and bond onto the fabric and then ironed/stitched it onto the shirt.

Oh yeah, that's is Joel standing all by himself. He's on the verge of walking, but not there yet. Yikes!!

These were both SUPER easy and SUPER fun!!! I'm gonna have to try it again with other designs.

1 comment:

The Blunck Family said...

Love the T-shirts, good job! Thanks Alissa for telling Kim about the great blog. I was so amazed to see Joel standing, it won't be long till he is off and running and you are going to have to try to keep up with him and Amelia.