Thursday 17 April 2008


Daddy came bearing presents!  Brad returned with a few more packages of dummies/pacifiers/binkies, whatever you want to call them, because we seem to have a bad habit of losing them.  And since these are the only ones that she will take and you can not buy them here in Australia, it was good that Brad brought more back!

Just follow the trail to Amelia!

This one's not bad!

I had to add this photo, because I think it really shows how much her face has changed in the last little while.  She is getting so grown up!

One for each hand...

Hmmm...which one now?

1 comment:

Kacey & Amy said...

We have the same problem. Emma just loves hers and will sometimes go to bed with an extra one just in case she can't find the first one. We had up to 6 at one time, but can now only find 2. Hopefully, she will get over it before we lose them all. --- We did find one on our swing outside after it spent some time buried under the snow and ice!