Friday 22 February 2008

How I love this little girl!!!

Everyday, Brad and I are so happy that we have this little girl in our lives.  It seems that it took ages to finally be blessed with such a happy, loving, friendly, and beautiful child!  We couldn't be happier.  She changes everyday and we can hardly believe how fast at that.  I don't want to miss a single moment, and yet can't quite seem to make them all last.  Miracles do happen, we are reminded of that everyday that we hear her laugh or see her smile.  Thank you, Amelia, for joining our family.  Thank you for the joy that you bring to us, and everyone around you everyday!


Kendal and Alissa said...

She is sooooo cute!!! I love the outfit where did you get it?

Emily said...

This post made me cry! They are such a joy and a blessing! And is helps when they are so adorable!