Tuesday 15 January 2008

How do you get a baby to eat their veggies?

Any suggestions? Amelia has been eating solids for almost two months now. It's quite an exciting experience to be had on both ends. Originally I wanted to make all of her baby food. You know, do the healthy thing and steam my own veggies and then blend them up into baby food like consistency, but much to my disappointment Amelia doesn't like my cooking. Everytime I make her some food from "scratch" she gags and gags and then throws it up leaving Brad and I clueless. So we have resorted to feeding her Heinz Baby food from a jar. She likes it much better and will actually eat it and keep it down. So if anyone out there has any experience with this or any suggestions...throw them at me! I would love anything I can get right now.

Here is the process of how it works.
We spoon the food into her mouth,

And it's fun and exciting for the first few seconds,

She likes to take a minute to see if she really likes it,

Yeah, maybe it's not so bad,

Eeewwww! No I hate it!

Eeewww! It's distgusting! What have you given me?

Mom! Dad! Put the camera down!
(Amelia is sitting in her floaty she got for Christmas, which has also been doubling as a high chair! Makes for easy clean up!)

I really hate this stuff! Please get it out of my mouth!

Hmmm.....Maybe that wasn't so bad after all!

And that my friends is what we experience everytime I feed her something that I have made. I hope this isn't a sign for what is to come. I know I am not the best cook and all...but come on! Give me more credit than that!


Brandon said...

Have you tried mixing the two - the fake stuff with your stuff? That's what Felicia does to get me to eat my vegetables . . .

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry about the future, because at least for our little one, her appetite changed around a year. She used to eat any baby food, like vegetables the most probably! Now she's somewhat picky but will at least eat peas (the real thing)

So maybe Amelia will be opposite and she'll get better when she gets older! I guess you never know and all you can do is keep trying!

Amanda Udy said...

She is so cute you guys!! Have you ever given her yogurt? You might try mixing veggies or fruits with vanilla yogurt. I know it sounds nasty, but my kiddos dig it!