Sunday 13 January 2008

Finally some Christmas photos!

Finally after lots of begging on behalf of family and friends we have found a way to update our blog!  Here are a few photos of Christmas for you view pleasure.  I hope you enjoy the excitement of our little girl as much as we did.

Mom...Who's Santa?

Our little happy family.  (Thank you Wacca, Kilistina, and Junior for letting us kick you out of your home for Christmas and letting us borrow your tree!)

Yeah, it's hard to get kids to look at the camera when its on a timer and they have shiny ornaments that are chocolate flavoured.

Oh wow! Is this one for me?!

Don't Dad!  I can do it myself!  (We all know how excited Brad gets when it comes to presents on Christmas!)

Oh cool!  My first teddy bear!  Thanks Auntie K!

Wow!  What's with this hair?

Oh cool a blue box from Grandma and Grandpa Wilson!

And some stacking things from Grandma and Grandpa Blunck.

Oh it even makes a good hat!  Maybe we should say "Happy Hannakah"

What?!  You mean I get to keep ALL these toys?!

And later we were off to the Smiths for Christmas dinner...and more toys!  Thanks for the cars Isobel!

But what I am really after is that Chocolate...If only I could crawl!

1 comment:

Amanda Udy said...

Amelia got some awesome presents! Lucky girl!