Friday 2 November 2007

Grass Fight!

A few milestones for Amelia this week, we are very excited about:

She is now saying "ya-ya-ya-ya", "da-da-da-da", and something that sounds very similar to "hi"

She is now sitting without support, and just this evening learned to roll back onto her stomach from her back. So we are very excited to see her start rolling all over the house (or maybe its worried to see...)

Also just today she had her very first grass fight with Daddy.

Yeah, I thought it was mean too that he took advantage of the fact that she couldn't defend herself.

"You just wait daddy, I'll get you! (If I can just get a good hold on this grass....)"

"Ah, yes, finally!"

The ever famous Amelia sneeze whenever she looks at the sun...just like her mom.

"Uh, guys, a little help would be nice. I've fallen and I can't get up!"

"Guys?! This isn't funny"

And if a picture is worth a thousand's two that we love!

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