Thursday 8 March 2007

Self Portrait during Root Canal

Ok, so its not that exciting, but I thought it was funny. Pulled out my RAZR crapcam and snagged a pic unbeknownst to my dentist. I figure if in the end I'm paying for this guy's trip to the Bahamas (we're estimating it will be around US$800/AU$1,031 when all is said and done after 3 months of this nonsense...and that's after our insurance coverage, sheesh!), I'd better at least get my fun out of it.

(yeah, so I got a cavity when I was 15, it was filled, apparently 'cracked' about 6 months back, bacteria seeped into it, infection started. He said brushing and flossing was futile after the 'crack' occured. The pulp began to swell, I had the most excruciating pain in all of my 26&11/12ths years, and figured I'd better go ahead with the ordeal...thats the story - despite Kim just thinking I have a bad sweet tooth. She's the one who keeps egging me on to call the Smith's and have them ship over those Starburst Gummies and Caramel Tim Tams!)

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