...yeah, of course we counted 'em!!! Still don't know if they were sand lice, sand fleas, sand flies, pelican lice, a mad hermit crab...we've been told them all by everyone at every shopping centre (her legs are quite the attraction when we're pushing her around in the pram).
Anyone else dare venture to take a guess at what bit her 72 times at (we're guessing, since we also hit Avoca) Umina Beach last Friday?
(click to enlarge)
(this update for all those who keep asking :)
It looks like the red spots have liquid in the center. Does she have any other bites anywhere else on her body or is it only on her legs? The spots almost look like chicken pox. Has Amelia had a fever, not eating, fussy? Okay, I know she doesn't like to eat too much but it is still part of chicken pox. Hope she gets better soon. Love you !
Poor little thing! My legs looked very similar for the first 6 months I was in Brasil...not pussy like that though, thankfully(take that back...some of them were....). I still have scars from it, so I hope hers don't scar!!!
You have grown up! I was sure that this post would have had a wonderful dot to dot picture!
Brian, again:
not chicken pox... she'd have them everywhere, to include feet, hands, etc...
I've seen stuff like that before, don't ask me what it is though. I have a dermatology book with some interesting pix at work, I'll look it up and get back to you.
In the meantime, same as the spider-bite info: if it changes, go to a Dr. If it gets better, keep doing what you're doing.
And, Emilie spells her name with an "ie," not a "y."
Fix it.
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